FREE VIRTUAL TASTER CLASS AVAILABLE (please contact me for info)
Hi, I’m Deb
Fully Qualified Fitness Instructor
(Zumba, Fitness Pilates, Boxercise, Group Weights Classes)
I'm a (normalish) 42 year old woman who just loves to laugh and is not prepared to grow up! I truly believe exercise can be fun whilst still being effective. Of course it can be hard but it can be FUN too and that's what I bring to you.

Book an online class, an in person boxercise & zumba fusion class, an online set week course or even a local in person workshop event!
Pilates class aimed at the complete beginner.
1 hr
A 60 minute class for all abilites. In Person
45 min class with 25 minutes of cardio boxing and 15 min of core work
Live Class For All Ages And Abilities
Not sure you want to sign up?
Completely understandable. It can take a few goes to really see whether you like something:
First time....hmmmm thought I would get the steps quicker think I like it...not too sure
Second time....actually I like this...haven't got the steps though...let's see
Third this...I'm only picking up the steps and now I can really feel it working
It takes 21 days or times to form a habit. So if you're not sure - why not try the pay as you go sessions. ​
Obviously it is considerably cheaper to do the monthly pass but this is the best way I can help you join in without commitment of a monthly pass and be able to really see if this is for you. These are exactly the same times. The link below will take you straight there.
Virtual Live And In Person Fitness Classes
The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life
How many times do we see these transformational headlines - THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Lets be completely honest. I want to help you feel better about yourself - will that change your life? Potentially. But we do not know until you try it. The one thing I do know and can guarantee is you will certainly feel better about yourself afterwards. Because when is dancing not fun....NEVER!